Updated May 12, 2014
Foremost Vatican Pied Piper John Allen wrote on May 10, 2014, in defense of the Vatican at its recent interrogation by the UN Commission Against Torture – and along with other Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team journalists who are still attacking the UN (as they await its verdict) - that: “The Vatican boasts the world’s oldest diplomatic corps, and its members take their tradecraft extremely seriously. They pride themselves on being the soul of discretion, never burning bridges, never shutting down lines of communication, and always having the big picture in view”. Allen is quite right except for what he is not saying beneath his adulating words for his Vatican employer - and that “always having the big picture in view” – means the “big picture” is the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast today and the Vatican Billions stashed in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. What Allen is not saying is that “They pride themselves on being the soul of discretion” – in the discretion of the Sacrament of Confession – “never burning bridges, never shutting down lines of communication” – especially not shutting down embassies hence the resurrection of the one-man Irish ambassador to the Holy See because that precious diplomatic passport is necessary for the “discretion” transfer of money laundering of billions of dollars between despots and drug lords into secret Vatican Swiss Banks and the hundreds of billions of dollars usurped by the Vatican Concordats from 175 countries, read more here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/abolish-vatican-concordat-in-dominican.html
Tomasi is the one in white - third from left without a hat on his head. He must be saturated with narcissism to be so ritualistic like this - void of feelings for victims of JP2 Army - read narcissism of John Paul II http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/narcissism-and-grandiosity-of-john-paul.html
Democrats Need to Learn from Pope Francis
The Open Taberbacle: Here Comes Everybody
Posted on May 11, 2014 by Betty Clermont
Almost unknown outside of Argentina, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was named the fourth “Most Powerful Person in the World/People Who Rule the World” by Forbes seven months after his election as pope. Five months later, another business publication, Fortune, named him the “World’s Greatest Leader.” Three of the four other top “rulers of the word” have already been to the Vatican to pay him homage: Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and Angela Merkel. Only Xi Jinping has not yet made the pilgrimage but literally dozens of other heads-of-state have done so and have strengthened their diplomatic ties to the Holy See.
Pope’s Gift For Moms – More Kids Than You Want & A
Saint Who Banned Birth Control
Read book Letter to a Christian Nation (USA) - BEST explanation why abortion should be legal http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/vatican-vipers-attack-un-committee-on.html
Read Pope Francis the CON-Christ and biggest THIEF of mankind http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/
Catholic Vatican tabernacles worldwide
-- because popes and priests have NO
powers to clone ants
and dogs and God!
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ
by sinful Vatican pope and priests

The Failure of the Sacraments
The monstrous truth is simply this: what the clergy sex abuse crisis clearly demonstrates is that the sacramental system has failed.
This is not just a case of hierarchical reneging of responsibility.There’s more to this than some bad apples. This is nothing that a few reforms can fix, some screening of seminarians or more pastoral responses by bishops. It is nothing less than a fundamental challenge to the entire Catholic Church, and it shows that the spiritual principles the whole structure is supposedly based on simply do not work.
Think about it. The offenders here are Roman Catholic priests, highly trained men. But unlike other professionals, these men are supposedly set apart and dedicated to lives of the spirit. They claim to have the power to forgive sins and make God appear.
They not only administer the sacraments to others, but also receive them themselves daily. That means, among other things, frequent confession to other priests. Moreover, many of these men belong to religious orders or are otherwise under close spiritual direction. They are supposed to confide everything to their confessors and superiors and to obey them unquestioningly.
So what went wrong? When an abusive priest goes to confession, does he start, “Bless me, father, for I have sinned: I buggered an altar boy three times this week”? And does the confessor tell him to say 3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys and not to do it again?
According to their own theory, confessors have the power to forgive sins, but also to refuse to do so if sorrow is insufficient. Moreover, they are to appoint penances – if they wish, they can require satisfaction or significant signs of reform from the penitent before absolution. Some sins – such as solicitation for sex in the confessional – are even deemed so serious that only higher prelates, sometimes only the Pope or his appointed delegate can forgive them.
Yet the abusers continue to abuse. So are the sexually active priestslying to their confessors? This would mean that not only do the perpetrating priests remain in a state of mortal sin and are automatically excommunicated, they perform the sacraments in that state which is itself a grave sacrilege.
Or, even worse, are all the abusive priests linked? Do they only go to confession to like-minded perps who will understand? Is there then an organized network of sexually perpetrating priests, all busily enabling each other? This adds collusion and conspiracy to the sinand would indicate that the very structure itself is rotten to the core.
The evidence available suggests that perhaps both scenarios are true to varying degrees in different situations. Either way, however, the result is much the same.
The sacraments are meant to unite believers with Christ. Not just to remove the accumulations of sin like the weekly laundry, but togradually improve the recipient. They are intended to sanctify and uplift the faithful, increase devotion to God, charity to fellow humans, and moral stamina in the face of evil.
If the sacraments actually worked like this, wouldn’t we hear ennobling stories of clerical reform, of some molester inspired to truly repent and devote himself to the cause? But rather, the stories are depressingly the same, of priests caught time and again, transferred, treated, and now finally, laicized often against their will, with no regret or even acknowledgement of their evil.
What this means, each person must decide in their own conscience. But perhaps the fall off in confessions over the years itself tells the story. Why should anyone, lay or not, risk a ritual that seems so impotent in promoting reform and may, instead of granting grace, actually expose them to greater human wickedness?
ZEUS GIANT SAINT JOSEPH did NOTHING to stop pedophile priests of the Congregation de
Sainte-Croix happening right before his very eyes for 50 years
If you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to the Vatican, DON'T GO and instead DONATE that pilgrimage money to the Red Cross or your local charity - or sponsor a poor student and pay for his or her school supplies and school lunch for a year, or feed a homeless person for a year at McDonald's, instead of flying to Montreal to see the Oratory or the Vatican Mammon Beast - and God will listen more to your prayers in your act of mercy rather feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast or St. Joseph Oratory Mammon Beast copying the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy.http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/oratory-of-st-joseph-copy-vatican.html
Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide.BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror
The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/narcissism-and-grandiosity-of-john-paul.html
Read our related articles
Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html
John Paul II 4 million,Ayatollah Khomeini 9 million people at funeral! Cardinal Pell, fanatics cannot beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederastshttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/john-paul-ii-4-millionayatollah.html
Saint? John Paul II slept in peace at the Vatican knowing that Fr. Marcial Maciel plus thousands of pedophile priests were raping thousands of boys http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/02/saint-john-paul-ii-slept-in-peace-at.html
Cardinal Bernard Law is an Opus Dei member. Law met Opus Dei while a student at Harvard in the 1950s….... Archbishop William Levada's Hidden Record http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/cardinal-bernard-law-is-opus-dei-member.html
Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Romehttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-john-paul-ii-is-opus-deis-patron.html
Diamond bride Mother Angelica's EWTN acquires Fr. Marcial Maciel's National Catholic Register: same God and Mammon, same hypocrisyhttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/01/diamond-bride-mother-angelicas-ewtn.html
September 11 = 5,000 victims. Belgian Catholic Church = 5,000 victims. John Paul II the Great Pedophile Priests Army keeps marching on in Europe !! http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/06/september-11-5000-victims-belgian.html
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/05/spiritual-healing-eucharist-and-rosary.html
Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II
See this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent but John Paul II gave countless thousands of little boys to the Serpent of Sodomy to be sodomized and raped by his John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army for over 26 years during his glorious papacy as John Paul II the Great
The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia".
In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radiohttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2007/10/john-paul-ii-portrait-by-danish-artist.html.
Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 -- Read John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2006/08/john-paul-ii-pope-of-sodomy.html
John Paul II in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Rome
The original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico revered by beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel who built the Legion of Christ Guadalupe Basilica in Rome where is now buried see http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Churchhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/05/full-text-of-criminal-charges-against.html
Irish cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and wellbeing
Vatican is eVil. Rome is Romantic.
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read herehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html. .
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powershttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/forbes-delusion-of-vatican-last-tsar.html.
The 1.2 billion Catholics are Francis-Maniacs and together with Pope Francis fit like a glove in what Jesus said: Your father is the devil. You are his children, and you want to do what your father wants. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has never stood for the truth, because there's no truth in him. Whenever that liar speaks, he speaks according to his own nature, because he's a liar and the father of liars. (John 8:44 CEB).
Pope Francis is the worst con-artist and CON-Christ more than John Paul II and Benedict XVI-RATzigner and all popes combined. He fits perfectly that last pope portrait in the gallery of 266 popes (as predicted by Nostrasdamus) and he warrants the prediction of The Third Secret Fatima on the destruction of the Vatican like the Temple of Solomon wherein not one pillar will be left standing. The Temple of Solomon was filled with jewels and was the wealthiest in the kingdoms of the world exactly like the Vatican is the wealthiest today especially with the hundreds of billions heist of Pope Francis, read more here Hidden Heist in the Holy See? The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth?! http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/hidden-heist-in-holy-see-biggest-heist.html
Christ said in the Bible:The Kingdom of GOD is WITHIN YOU. Jesus/AIR does not need EVIL POPES/priests as mediators.
CHRIST/AIR CANNOT be CLONEd, monopolized, locked-up in churches.STOP giving MONEY to CATHOLIC CHURCH= VATICAN MAMMON BEAST.
GIVE MONEY to POOR+SICK in our families, our schools, our hospitals.
Foremost Vatican Pied Piper John Allen wrote on May 10, 2014, in defense of the Vatican at its recent interrogation by the UN Commission Against Torture – and along with other Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team journalists who are still attacking the UN (as they await its verdict) - that: “The Vatican boasts the world’s oldest diplomatic corps, and its members take their tradecraft extremely seriously. They pride themselves on being the soul of discretion, never burning bridges, never shutting down lines of communication, and always having the big picture in view”. Allen is quite right except for what he is not saying beneath his adulating words for his Vatican employer - and that “always having the big picture in view” – means the “big picture” is the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast today and the Vatican Billions stashed in secret Vatican Swiss Banks. What Allen is not saying is that “They pride themselves on being the soul of discretion” – in the discretion of the Sacrament of Confession – “never burning bridges, never shutting down lines of communication” – especially not shutting down embassies hence the resurrection of the one-man Irish ambassador to the Holy See because that precious diplomatic passport is necessary for the “discretion” transfer of money laundering of billions of dollars between despots and drug lords into secret Vatican Swiss Banks and the hundreds of billions of dollars usurped by the Vatican Concordats from 175 countries, read more here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/abolish-vatican-concordat-in-dominican.html
What Allen is not saying is that the Vatican is the world’s oldest
diplomatic corps for 2,000 years because the popes have always colluded
with Roman Emperors from Caesar, then Emperor Constantine in order to own Rome
and the papal states of Italy, then together with European monarchs sent
Vatican diplomats and priests missionaries with Columbus and Magellan and all
those Spanish and Portuguese, European colonisations in countries worldwide
(now joined in the UN). When Vatican
priests went along with European colonizers and established churches, they may
have had baptised and saved souls from Hell but in the same process they also
subdued and enslaved peoples into a “current & present” living Hell - so
that Spain and all European monarchies could plunder the wealth of nations and
enrich themselves and most of all enrich the Vatican until today via the
Vatican Concordats. (Did you see that line of European monarchs bowing and kissing Pope
Francis’ ring at JP2’s canonization?)
Colonisations of nations were only feasible because those Vatican Catholic
priests brainwashed the people to stay poor - out of obedience to the pope the Vicar
of Christ – and they were promised that “Blessed are the poor for they inherit
the kingdom of heaven”. The best book to
read about all these is the Vatican Billions that explain all what John Allen
is not saying and what Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team are not saying and will
never say.
The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth
Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age. Its history, sources, and assets
today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the
Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html
Christ came to dismantle the hypocritical Temple of Solomon and cursed
those High Priests Pharisees (Opus Dei today) of the Roman Empire to set people
free from slavery but
today He needs deliverance from bondage Himself – as He needs to be set
from from gold tabernacles worldwide, imprisoned in Vatican Catholic churches
and from the magical sorcery in the Mass of cloning powers of popes and priests
who cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore they cannot clone the Son of God
the creator of the Universe! Christ
needs to be set free as the pawn of Pope Francis the CON-Christ, the greatest
Pretender and Impostor of Jesus and Biggest Thief in mankind’s history. Read
the 10 reasons to abolish the papacy below.
When St. Ignatius wrote the Jesuit constitution, he specifically forbid
Jesuits from having high offices with the pope and the Vatican and that they
should bring the Spiritual Exercises to nations and teach the Bible in the
vernacular and let the hypocritical popes and cardinals say the Mass in Latin.
Ignatius at that time was being practical because there were only two ways to
reach other countries – through the monarchs of Spain and Europe or the
Vatican. But today, that is no longer
the case or needed as Jesuits are established worldwide. The Jesuit universities are secularized if
they want to receive government funding, especially the 28 Jesuit universities
in the USA. (Opus Dei religious houses have secular names as a disguise for
government funding). Ignatius knew the
evil in popes and in the Vatican and now Ignatius worst nightmare has come true
because now that the pope is a Jesuit, the
epitome of evil has occurred in the biggest heist of mankind in the Vatican as
what Pope Francis has committed will affect not only hundreds of thousands
of children (like the JP2 Army victims), but generations of children to come, and
the poverty of nations that will cause rapes of women and endless violence,
child soldiers and wars, read more here - Hidden Heist in
the Holy See? The SECRET biggest heist
in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth! http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/hidden-heist-in-holy-see-biggest-heist.html
It was the first Jesuit Cardinal Bellarmine
who condemned Galileo, read more here, Vatican Terror
on Galileo, priests and the poor, women and children
http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/vatican-terrorism-on-galileo-women-and.html and it
had to take a Jesuit pope to canonize the false saint of the 21st
century because the Opus Dei Beast created him in their Frankenstein Vatican
Saints Factory so that all his writing will be cited as the official word of
God by all priests worldwide. Read Cold-blood-ed
John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to
save and protect them for 27 years http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/05/cold-blood-ed-pope-john-paul-ii-is-no.html
John Paul II portrait
by Danish artist with inscription: I'm against homosexuality but for pedophilia http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2007/10/john-paul-ii-portrait-by-danish-artist.html

Archbishop Tomasi the poker face Vatican ambassador to the UN
Archbishop Tomasi has the most prestigious job as Papal Nuncio to the UN
because he is really living the lifestyle of the rich and famous and is most
responsible for the billions of dollars that goes in and out of Vatican Swiss
Banks in Geneva Switzerland. As we
pointed out, today that “big picture in view” that every Vatican ambassador to
the 175 nations to handle the Vatican Concordats is the Vatican Mammon Beast
that has mutated into the Opus Dei Beast, that owns and control the Vatican
Billions and that “soul of discretion” are the secret pin numbers in secret
Vatican Swiss Banks – where Vatican diplomats – especially poker faced
Archbishop Tomasi, the Vatican ambassador to the UN, arrange utmost discretion
for drug lords and despots to have easy discreet access to these banks.
The recent strategic one-man ambassador to Ireland is an example of
“never burning bridges, never
shutting down lines of communication” because that diplomatic immunity
passport is necessary for the money laundering between countries and the
Vatican Bank and the Vatican Swiss Banks.
Who is “deliberately ‘deaf and blind’” to the JP2 Army?
John Allen then went on to attack
very subtly victims of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army by
saying – “Even before the hearing, Tomasi had come out swinging
in an interview with the Globe in which he
complained that some
people seem deliberately “deaf and blind” to the progress
the Catholic Church has made in the fight against child sexual abuse”. Look who is talking? John
Allen crafty as the Devil’s Twin has twisted the truth around. The fact is it is the Vatican who has been
“deaf and blind” to victims especially to SNAP, Survivors Network of those
Abused by Priests, and Benedict XVI as pope was “deaf and blind” to Italian victims who walked across Italy
to the doorstep of the Vatican. http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2011/10/benedict-refuses-to-meet-italian.html
The new Pope Francis is deliberately “deaf and blind” to SNAP and victims of JP2 Army while he has exploited the sick and has photo-ops with them, or exploited babies and kisses them, but he has deliberately not met with one victim of the JP2 Army. And by canonizing John Paul II, he has perpetually rub salt in the wounds of hundreds of thousands of victims of thousands of pedophile priests of the JP21 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after him who said nothing and did nothing in his longest 27 globetrotting years as the superstar pope.

The new Pope Francis is deliberately “deaf and blind” to SNAP and victims of JP2 Army while he has exploited the sick and has photo-ops with them, or exploited babies and kisses them, but he has deliberately not met with one victim of the JP2 Army. And by canonizing John Paul II, he has perpetually rub salt in the wounds of hundreds of thousands of victims of thousands of pedophile priests of the JP21 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after him who said nothing and did nothing in his longest 27 globetrotting years as the superstar pope.

The Boston Globe is owned by the Opus Dei PR Deceits Team, so is
Associated Press, Reuters, The Washington Posts, US Review, Vanity Fair, all
magazines that have put Pope Francis in their cover, all journalists who speak
with the Read more - Mark of the Vatican Mammon
Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast: “Holiness, saints, supernatural” words of Pope
Francis propagated by Vatican Pied Pipershttp://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/mark-of-vatican-mammon-beast-aka-opus.html
and who have attack the UN recently and last
February, read Vatican Vipers attack UN Committee
on the Rights of the Child. The Failure of the Sacraments. Letter to a
Christian Nation (USA) - read our related article http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/vatican-vipers-attack-un-committee-on.html
Read the defense of Tomasi and his preposterous account of defrocked pedophile priests in our article, --Since Vatican II 100,000 priests left priesthood. At
UN: Vatican cloned 848 defrocked pedophile priests (like Christ’s flesh in Mass
cloned by popes/priests) http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/since-vatican-ii-100000-priests-left.html
Read our related articles: John Allen the Devil’s Twin
makes Catholics feel-good about Pope Crimes as expertly as Satan fooled Eve in
the Garden of Edenhttp://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/john-allen-devils-twin-makes-catholics.html
Opus Dei Plan to salvage Vatican
Titanic in Boston, Massachusetts. Voice of the Faithful upbeat by Opus Dei PR
tentacle John Allenhttp://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/opus-dei-plan-to-salvage-vatican.html
SECRETE PAPAL PEDOPHILE NUNCIO WANTED BY POLICE in Dominican Republic http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/top-10-pathological-lies-in-pope.html
UN Committee against Torture is last hope of justice
for hundreds of thousands of children tortured sexually by bestial Vatican JP2
Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
John Paul II and Adolf Hitler are
permanent allies in history: on May 1st and now on April 27th. SNAP Remembrance
Day & Holocaust Remembrance Day
UN vs. Vatican (half its 800 population do NOT live
inside Vatican City) – so its jurisdiction is only for 400 in-house residents?
UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children..
HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another
pope http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/un-condemns-vatican-for-crimes-against.html
MYTHS of Archdiocesan MASS of
ATONEMENT& Healing – it’s SORCERY and DARK MAGIC by Archbishops Listecki
& CHAPUT CANNOT CLONE Christ or dogshttp://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/myths-of-archdiocesan-mass-of-atonement.html
New Vatican PR stunt of the day! by Opus Dei PR Deceits
Team: “Pope Francis imposes austerity and Vatican officials complain of
SOCIALISM”. Vatican claptrap! http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/new-vatican-pr-stunt-by-opus-dei-pr.html
President Obama puppet of Pope Francis
the worst thief on the planet, says script by Opus Dei PR Deceits squad, stoops
to Vatican Mammon Beasthttp://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/president-obama-as-puppet-of-pope.html
Jesuits transferred
Marcos Gold & Billions of Dollars to the Vatican Treasury. The JESUIT ORDER - MASTER OF EVASION
AND CONSPIRACIEShttp://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/jesuits-transferred-marcos-gold.html
JP2 Army in Puerto Rico! Plague of Pedophile Priests in Latin America!
John Paul II the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts & Rapists-Priests
Sacred Evil Vatican Hall of
Horror & Public defenestration of Benedict XVI http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/10/sacred-evil-vatican-benedict-xvi-hall.html
VATICAN-PENTAGON CONNECTION. How Opus Dei controls the USA, the multinational
corporations & the Vatican Swiss Banks http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/09/opus-dei-vatican-pentagon-connection.html
7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian
Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/australia-victorian-inquiry-slams.html
The Hague is
above Pope, Vatican, Religion. The Hague must prosecute Benedict XVI now to
prove secular International Justice reigns over ALL Religions and Despots http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/the-hague-is-above-pope-vatican.html
Irish PM blasts
‘narcissism’ of Vatican. The narcissism of John Paul II and the Vatican are one
and the samehttp://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/07/irish-pm-blasts-narcissism-of-vatican.html
Irish PM Enda Kenny
speech on Cloyne Report: VIDEOS http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/07/irish-pm-enda-kenny-speech-on-cloyne.html

Boston Globe
Boston Globe
By John L. Allen Jr. | GLOBE STAFF MAY 10,
When Pope
Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople meet this month in
Jerusalem, the buzz probably will be about two milestones from the past: 1054,
when Eastern and Western Christianity split, and 1964, when Pope Paul VI and
Patriarch Athenagoras embraced in the Holy Land to begin healing the division.
historic meeting 50 years ago helped launch the modern ecumenical movement for
Christian unity. ..
Vatican diplomats shed caution
The Vatican boasts the world’s
oldest diplomatic corps, and its members take their tradecraft extremely seriously. They
pride themselves on being the soul of discretion, never burning bridges, never shutting down
lines of communication, and always
having the big picture in view.
result is that Vatican diplomats rarely engage in public crossfire, so when they do, you know something
extraordinary is going on.
relevant in light of the dust-up following an appearance Monday and Tuesday by
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s envoy to the United Nations in Geneva,
before the UN’s Committee against Torture. As happened earlier this year in a
date with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Vatican’s record on
the child sexual abuse scandals once again was put under a microscope.
Even before the hearing, Tomasi had come out swinging in an interview with the Globe in which he complained that some people seem deliberately
“deaf and blind” to the progress the Catholic Church has made in the fight
against child sexual abuse.
(COMMENT; The Kennedys may be a cursed family…but the BUSH FAMILY is the CURSE of AMERICA – just look at the
trillions of dollars and thousands of dead and maimed young American soldiers
all because of Cheney’s and George W. Bush “shock and awe” to get Saddam
Hussein’s head – and Americans will be paying for generation to come. God forbid
Jeb Bush will run for President with his Catholic wife called Guadalupe who are
Opus Dei puppets…BEWARE AMERICA of the BUSH Boys – they are the CURSE of
AMERICA that led America to war and will lead it again to bankruptcy!)
Democrats Need to Learn from Pope Francis
UNITED STATESThe Open Taberbacle: Here Comes Everybody
Posted on May 11, 2014 by Betty Clermont
Almost unknown outside of Argentina, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was named the fourth “Most Powerful Person in the World/People Who Rule the World” by Forbes seven months after his election as pope. Five months later, another business publication, Fortune, named him the “World’s Greatest Leader.” Three of the four other top “rulers of the word” have already been to the Vatican to pay him homage: Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama and Angela Merkel. Only Xi Jinping has not yet made the pilgrimage but literally dozens of other heads-of-state have done so and have strengthened their diplomatic ties to the Holy See.
This leap
from obscurity to global power was accomplished by the same corporate media
complicit in shifting the wealth of the world’s richest nation into the pockets
of the 1%.
They selectively reported when Bergoglio looked and talked like a moderate
populist. They did not tell us about Bergoglio’s compliance with Argentina’s military junta, his
disgraceful history on child sex abuse nor
his advocacy of right-wing politics. (Also here, here and here.)
even though progressives know that the Religious Right was created by the neocons
to facilitate this takeover, that the Catholic episcopate is an enthusiastic
adjunct of the plutocracy, and that the men who elected Bergoglio were appointed by the same popes as the
Obama-bashing, misogynist and homophobic U.S. bishops, we were as taken
in by the “incense-smoke and mirrors” as
the rest of the populace. We
not only accepted without question the corporate media’s careful reporting
but also showed no interest in Bergoglio’s papal appointments of men with
backgrounds and worldviews at polar opposites to
his constructed image.
the U.N. Committee on Torture questioned the Vatican this week over its role in
aiding and abetting the global sexual assaults against children four months
after the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child charged the Vatican with
“systematic” responsibility for these crimes, Bergoglio lectured the
U.N. Secretary General. He told Ban Ki-Moon to promote the “legitimate
redistribution of economic benefits by the state as well as indispensible
cooperation between the private sector and civil society….to give back
generously whatever we may have unjustly refused to others.” In January, Paul
Ryan said: “People need to get involved in their own communities’ [solutions to
poverty] and government needs to remove the barriers that allow that to
happen.” Government can do some things such as: “Income support” that
“needs to encourage upward mobility and work.”
Republican Party rejoices at the success of their post-2012 strategy. As we
know, in March 2013 after months of preparation, the Republican National
Committee issued a frank “autopsy report”
with a “plan to change the public perception that the GOP doesn’t care about
Along with strategies for outreach to women,
Hispanics and other minorities, the plutocrats concluded: “Our candidates and
office holders need to do a better job talking in normal, people-oriented terms
and we need to go to communities where Republicans do not normally go to listen
and make our case….We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and
attack corporate welfare….When it comes to social issues, the Party must in
fact and deed be inclusive and welcoming. If we are not, we will limit our
ability to attract young people and others, including many women, who agree
with us on some but not all issues.”
Catholic hierarchs had also become so ineffective that
I was surprised that the plutocracy still had enough confidence in the Church’s
influence to install another
pope. I had also misjudged the ability of any pope to catapult to superstardom
surpassing even Pope John Paul II.
The most important issue for Democrats now is how to
defeat Republican candidates who have been coached to look and
talk like moderate populists. (See also here,here and here.) According
to the latest polls (May 5), USA Today/Pew Research shows Republicans leading in
a generic ballot heading into the midterm elections. CNN/ORC International,
NBC/Wall Street Journal and ABC/Washington Post have us virtually tied.
hope that our strategists will find a way before November to defeat these sham
candidates. They may want to examine the popular response to Pope Francis for
some insights.
(COMMENT; The Kennedys may be a cursed family…but the BUSH FAMILY is the CURSE of AMERICA – just look at the
trillions of dollars and thousands of dead and maimed young American soldiers
all because of Cheney’s and George W. Bush “shock and awe” to get Saddam
Hussein’s head – and Americans will be paying for generation to come. God forbid
Jeb Bush will run for President with his Catholic wife called Guadalupe who are
Opus Dei puppets…BEWARE AMERICA of the BUSH Boys – they are the CURSE of
AMERICA that led America to war and will lead it again to bankruptcy!)
Pope’s Gift For Moms – More Kids Than You Want & A
Saint Who Banned Birth Control
Christian Catholicism
Christian Catholicism
Jerry Slevin
Pope Francis’ No. 1 priority increasingly appears to
be to avoid at all costs a US national investigation of priest child sexual
abuse cover-ups like the one now underway in Australia.
Francis is evidently gearing up to support his US
bishops’ current anti-Obamacare contraception insurance crusade to help the
Vatican’s “tax and regulation opposed” billionaire allies, including apparently
Rupert Murdoch, install a right wing US Senate in November.
For key background, see Betty Clermont’s perceptive
and well documented overall analysis here
and Aletha Blayse’s penetrating analysis of
Murdoch’s News Corp’s ‘The Australian” newspaper’s efforts here
Francis’ top “Vatican police” official, Cardinal
Gerhard Mueller, has AGAIN “smacked down” US nuns, as described well by two
prominent US Catholics, the NY Times’ Maureen Dowd here
and the independent National Catholic Reporter’s
publisher, Thomas Fox, here
and here
The Australian investigation has apparently already
led the lone Cardinal Pell to seek Vatican protection. With that priority,
Francis has been busy dealing with related “women’s politics” and almost racing
to make all modern popes “saints”, both seemingly aimed at firming key Catholic
voter and donor support and enhance thereby protection for his
increasingly beleaguered absolute monarchy.
Women.Legion of Christ.OpusDei.Francis
Hypocrisies...Legion of Christ feeds Vatican Mammon Beast. Opus Dei Mafia of
Cardinals and Bishops. G-8 Cardinals are phony reformers recycling old Vatican
El 29 de Septiembre
tuvo lugar en Bruselas una manifestación contra la ley de reforma del aborto en
España llevada a cabo por el gobierno del Partido Popular. 2000 personas
acudieron para solidarizarse con la protección de los derechos de las mujeres
Bruxelles, 29 janvier 2014 (http://on.fb.me/1cwCwtS)
concentration devant l'ambassade d'Espagne et marche jusqu'au Parlement européen
concentration devant l'ambassade d'Espagne et marche jusqu'au Parlement européen
Read book Letter to a Christian Nation (USA) - BEST explanation why abortion should be legal http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/vatican-vipers-attack-un-committee-on.html
This post and blogs are inspired by St. Michael the Archangel whose flaming sword defends us from Goliath bullies of Opus Dei Beast Mafia. St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain. Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”. http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/09/911-decade-and-jp2-millstones-9th.html Beware, Francis-Maniacs for the demise of the Vatican Temple akin to the Temple of Solomon is at hand!

St. Michael the Archangel stands over the Vatican Mammon
Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =
John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei
Beast now ruled by Pope Francis and the heads of the Beast =
John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Opus Dei


I am John Paul II the GREAT – I refuse to hear about my JP Army
– John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
- I hide them in my Achilles Heels - no one can see them
Read Pope Francis the CON-Christ and biggest THIEF of mankind http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/
Read more here - John Paul II Millstone, read here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/
The JP2 Army prayer: Children’s most important prayer
-- more important than the Eucharist and the Rosary
JP2 Army with me, JP2 Army before me, JP2 Army behind me,
JP2 Army in me, JP2 Army beneath me, JP2 Army above me,
JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left,
JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down
JP2 Army when I arise
See origin of JP2 Army Prayer -
The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable - read more here - http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/narcissism-and-grandiosity-of-john-paul.html
Mary with John Paul II
$ 180.55
€ 119.00
$ 180.55
€ 119.00
Many statues of John Paul II are being carved to equal those of Mary, Jesus and St. Joseph...the narcissim and grandiosity of John Paul II can only be equal to that of the Devil who refused to bow down to Jesus but wanted to be his equal on this earth.
John Paul II is LUCIFER reincarnated :" He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat in God's temple, displaying himself as God. (2 Thessalonians: 2-4)
See more images here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/narcissism-and-grandiosity-of-john-paul.html

Our Lady wants to be set free from the
of Satanas John Paul II who has usurp her
Jesus from her arms
of Satanas John Paul II who has usurp her
Jesus from her arms

Mother Angelica Diamond Bride of Christ- http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/01/diamond-bride-mother-angelicas-ewtn.html
the "slimy bastard" Cardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II
Satanas John Paul II and serial pedophile priest Marcial Maciel,
his evil Achilles Heel -- read more here http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/pope-francisfacts-john-paul-ii-knew.html
the "slimy bastard" Cardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the evil Achilles Heel of John Paul II

Satanas John Paul II and serial pedophile priest Marcial Maciel,
his evil Achilles Heel -- read more here http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/pope-francisfacts-john-paul-ii-knew.html
Christ wants to be set free from
Catholic Vatican tabernacles worldwide
-- because popes and priests have NO
powers to clone ants
and dogs and God!


The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of
Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way
9-months gestation of Jesus - the Son of God


The cloning process that produced Dollyhttp://www.youtube.com/embed/39BbcZVCx8I

1-MINUTE black magic of the cloning of Christ
by sinful Vatican pope and priests

Pope Francis, all Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and priests cannot clone cats and dogs and therefore they cannot clone Christ either.


Irish cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and wellbeing

Please take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September 11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at theTwin Towers in New York .
Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
Priest pedophilia - 15,750+ victims - 6,100 pedophile priestscovered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity.
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
Priest pedophilia - 15,750+ victims - 6,100 pedophile priestscovered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity.
9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/911-victims-5000-jp2-army-100000s-may.html.
Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who coverd-up pedophile priests
Many think Pope John Paul II is a saint,” says Jan Egesborn, satirical artist and founder of the Danish satirical grou Surrend, “but he didn’t do anything about sex abuse of children by priests in the Roman Catholic church and this is why we think he belongs in hell.”
Egesborn says early responses from Poles who have seen his satirical webpage have been strong. “For Poles it is just as controversial as the Mohammed cartoon was for Muslims,” he said.
Danish cartoonist of Mohammed drew this cartoon of John Paul II holding up the back robes of altar boys to expose their butts to satiate his thousands of JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army , read more here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2007/10/john-paul-ii-portrait-by-danish-artist.html
The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2008/07letter-to-opus-dei-pope-john-paul-ii.html
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Churchhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/05/full-text-of-criminal-charges-against.html

John Paul II Millstone, read here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/

Biggest THIEF of mankind
Pretender & Impostor of Jesus.
LIAR. CANNOT CLONE Jesus or dogs

10 Reasons why there should never be another
After Joseph Ratzinger publicly announced his plans to retire, quite a few people who are aware of this website or the @Fire_the_PopeTwitter account remarked how I got my wish or, jokingly, how my website may have led to the first resignation of a pope in 600 years.
Yes, I’ve had Ratzinger’s picture prominently displayed on this site and, given his long record both as the pope and as the one person responsible for handling all sex-crime cases in the Church, I strongly believed him to be incompetent at best.
However, FireThePope doesn’t just mean fire Joseph Ratzinger. FireThePope isn’t a cause to bring down one man. FireThePope is an effort to expose the entire Roman Catholic Church, as is, as fraudulent and there is no better way to do that than to start at the top.

Not your Father’s church.
The Roman Catholic Church sets itself apart from all other religions, including Christian denominations, by claiming its head, the pope, is the successor of Peter and that Jesus anointed Peter to be the head of his church. The Church points to Matthew 16:13-20 to support this claim. Catholics conclude the Roman Catholic Church is the “one true church” of Jesus Christ and all other Protestant or non-Roman orthodox churches are inferior to it.
Roman Catholics call their church “the bride of Christ” and “Holy Mother Church”. These nicknames market the idea that Roman Catholicism dates back to the days of Jesus Christ and it – or “She”, as they say – is the very foundation of Christianity and all other religions are mere offshoots or sequels to Roman Catholicism.
Ultimately, Roman Catholicism rests solely on the supremacy of Peter and the apostles. Without the supremacy of Peter, there would be no pope. Without the supremacy of the apostles, there would be no priesthood as the Roman Church defines it. Without the superhuman powers of Catholic priests, bye-bye sacraments, indulgences, and the entire institution.
Today, let’s focus on the papacy. Following are ten reasons why there should never be another pope and, if there is, he should be completely ignored by the Catholic laity, the media, politicians, and the public at large.
Because the Vatican bases its very existence on a scene from the New Testament, it must also accept other verses of the NT in order to be consistent. Either the NT should be accepted as true, non-fictional accounts or not. Either those accounts must be taken literally or not. But, one cannot say this is a source of truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit and then pick and choose which passages the Church wants to follow or not.
1. The church of Jesus Christ in the bible was not a physical empire. Matthew 24:1-2 - ”Jesus left the temple precincts then, and his disciples came up and pointed out to him the buildings of the temple area. His comment was: ‘Do you see all these buildings? I assure you, not one stone will be left on another – it will all be torn down.’” 1 Corinthians 3:16 – “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you?” Also, Peter 2:5-9 – “Be yourselves as living stones built into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Jesus preached in homes and on hillsides, not in buildings. He only went in to temples to draw people out of them or to scold the church leaders. The word catholic, found in the bible with a lower-case c, means universal. In the first century, the wordchurch (also lower-case c) meant a society of men, women, and children who are spiritually – not necessarily physically – united to serve God. According to the NT, Jesus established the catholic church – a universal society of believers who would offer spiritualsacrifices. I explain below who really instituted the Roman Catholic Church, which requires material (pagan) sacrifices.
2. The church of Jesus Christ was not built upon one man. The idea that the church of Jesus was built upon one man is preposterous. Yet, that is what the Roman Church claims. Its only foundation is the notion that Peter was chosen by Jesus to be the first pope and that all popes are Peter’s successors, chosen by the Holy Spirit and infallible in all of their declarations. Roman Catholicism teaches that the pope, acting on behalf of the Church (notice the capital C indicating the Corporation) has the power and a duty to act as a mediator between the Creator and his creatures. It has been a long-held tradition that the Vatican, the Magisterium, and the clergy would interpret the bible for the laity. However, 1 Corinthians 3:11 reads, “For other foundation no one can lay, but that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ”. According to scripture, Jesus, not Peter, is the foundation of the Christian church. Jesus is also the sole mediator, so says 1 Timothy 2:5: ”And the truth is this: ‘God is one. One also is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, and who gave himself ransom for all.” According to the New Testament where Catholics turn to justify the existence of their Church, there is only one mediator between God and the people and that is Jesus Christ, not Peter and not Joseph Ratzinger.
3. The church of Jesus Christ in the bible did not have a pope.The word pope is not in the bible, where the Roman Church points to as justification for itself. The early church described in the New Testament speaks of bishops who were overseers or local supervisors of the effort to spread Christianity. They were not rulers over the people. No one bishop had authority over any other. No one bishop was the head of the effort. There was a bishop in many major cities, including one in Rome. It so happened that certain Roman emperors (namely Constantine and Charlemagne) elevated the position and authority of the bishop of Rome, specifically, because they had the power to do so and because it was convenient as Rome was the seat of power. Emperors appointed bishops and abbots and usually appointed members of aristocratic families. The idea of a pope – one bishop over all others – was a corrupt power grab by murderous dictators and had nothing to do with Jesus Christ or anything in the bible.
4. The Peter of the throne was not the apostle but an impostor. Remember, the apostle Peter originally went by the name of Simon. Then, he was referred to as Simon Peter. Jesus named him Peter at the rock because the name Peter – or Petros (Greek) means rock. This Peter was from Cyprus, according to the bible. But, there is another Simon in the bible, this one from Samaria and he was a troublemaker. Locals called him Simon the

Swiss Guard Army elite - who later on go to manage secret Vatican Swiss Banks in Switzerland and worldwide
The Circus of Nero continues.
Magician. He claimed to be able to do magic tricks and held The Circus of Nero in Vaticanus Hill. Simon Magnus claimed he was God (hence, the magic) and he became a nemesis, a rival, and a thorn in the side of the apostle Peter. There was such trouble between the two that Emperor Nero set up a contest to settle their differences. Simon Magnus was killed after being thrown from his chariot and so Nero, who had favored him, had Peter arrested and thrown in jail. If there was a pope on a throne in the days of the early church, it was not Peter the Apostle but Simon the Magician. Simon sat on a throne; Peter never did. Simon claimed to be God; Peter never did. Simon claimed to have supernatural powers; Peter never did. Simon Magnus even started going by the name Peter in order to confuse people. They both had the same name, they both died in the same year – 67 A.D., and they both had spent time in Rome. The proof that the Simon of Samaria, not Cyprus, sat on the throne in Rome is the documentation that Magnus stayed in Rome for many years at a time while the apostle came and went quite often.
5. The apostle Peter never considered himself God or Jesus Christ. Again, the idea of the papacy rests on the supremacy of Peter. The Roman Church claims the pope is “Christ’s (sole) representative on earth”. The Peter whom the popes are supposed to have succeeded was married with at least one child – a daughter. He never sat on a throne and he never claimed to have magic powers or to be infallible. He never claimed to be better or more important than the other apostles or early leaders of the Christian church. He never dressed in fancy clothes, he never wore a ring to be kissed, and he never insisted on the red carpet treatment. Acts 10:25-27: “As Peter entered, Cornelius went to meet him, dropped to his knees before him and bowed low. Peter said, ‘Get up! I am only a man myself.’” When Nero sentenced Peter to death by crucifixion, Peter insisted on hanging on the cross upside down because he was unworthy to die as Jesus died. Peter the apostle, claimed by the Church as the first pope was never a pope and his philosophy and practices, according to the New Testament, were a far contrast to those of the papacy no matter who is holding the title.
6. The Roman Catholic Church was not established until the 4th Century. Roman Catholics claim Peter of the bible was the first pope and that there is an unbroken line of popes stretching from biblical times to present-day. This claim is nothing but a re-writing of history. The Church needs that lineage in order to justify itself and the papacy yet it does not have the facts on its side so they have to create a new reality. What the Church

Not Jesus’ interpretation of “church”.
has done is go back and list anyone who was a bishop of Rome as a pope. The actual papacy didn’t begin until the Roman Catholic Church began and that wasn’t until the 4th Century with Pope Constantine I – the emperor – who ruled from the “chair of St. Peter” from 306-337. Constantine came to the rescue of Christians who were being persecuted by Emperor Diocletian. It’s not that he was overcome by compassion but realized he could take political advantage from the growing number of Christians. This ties the pagan Roman Empire to the Catholic Church whose members also worship objects and offer material sacrifices.
7. The papacy was on life support as recently as 1870. In the mid-19th Century, there was an effort to unify Italy which was split in two by the Papal States governed by the pope, then Pope Pius IX (the one who dreamed up Immaculate Conception). Victor Emmanuel II, the new King of Italy, had seized all of the Church-controlled territory except a small segment of Rome. Napoleon, who had previously been an ally of Emmanuel, protected the pope and by having some of his troops stand guard at the Vatican. When the Franco-Prussia War intensified, Napoleon pulled his troops out of Rome, leaving the pope defenseless. The Italian troops moved in and the pope lost all of his temporal (civil) power minus rule over the tiny territory of the Vatican. Emmanuel allowed the pope to keep the Vatican and freed him from Italian rule but the pope was defiant. Pius IX refused to recognize Emmanuel’s new kingdom and he voluntarily kept himself a prisoner of the Vatican. He cried anti-Catholic bias until support and donations poured in for him, including from Catholics in America. The empire of the Roman Church was all but lost in 1870. It took more deception to keep it alive.
8. The papacy was corruptly propped back up by a fascist dictator. In the 1920′s, the Italian government wished to settle its differences with the Church. At the time, the Prime Minister of Italy was Benito Mussolini.
He conspired with the Vatican to shut out populist factions in the country in order to amass more power and control for himself. The Vatican silenced priests who favored a more democratic government. In return, Mussolini gifted the Church by officially recognizing the Vatican as an independent and sovereign city-state. Within the borders of Italy, popes would receive diplomatic immunity and the Church would receive financial reparations for its loss of the Papal States. Also, Roman Catholicism would be the one state religion in Italy. These agreements were called the Lateran Pacts and they are what revived the much weakened papacy. Mussolini would go on to become one of history’s most brutal dictators. Today, Vatican City, the whole 0.2 square miles of it, is recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign city-state of which the pope is head.
9. The pope is an absolute monarch at a time when most educated and reasonable human beings believe in freedom, democracy, and accountability. In 2011, the world witnessed what is now referred to as The Arab Spring. Ordinary people protested – many to their deaths – for freedom, respect, and democratic elections. Many citizens of some nations in the Middle East had been oppressed for generations and they finally decided it was time to take a stand against tyranny. It has been said there is a natural hunger to live freely, no matter what part of the world one lives. The pope is an absolute monarch, only one of a few that still exist and certainly the most powerful. As such, and because he enjoys diplomatic immunity both in Italy and out, he is accountable to no one. The pope is elected but not by the people he represents as in a democracy. He is elected by the same men whom he appointed to the College of Cardinals. Once a pope takes office, he is unaccountable to anyone inside the Church or out. This type of power is contrary to what the New Testament described when Jesus turned tables on the clergy. The pope, like Simon Magnus, claims to be God. Only someone with a God-complex would claim to be above the law and every other human being.
10. The papacy is not inspired by the Holy Spirit. If anything, it would be inspired by the spirit of Lucifer. As construction workers ready the Vatican chimney for the upcoming puffs of white smoke or black,
rational human beings are expected to believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding the process of the papal conclave. When cardinals vote a certain way, we are told, it was because the Holy Spirit told them to. It’s time for a reality check. Many of the men who will be voting – or running – for the next pope have blood on their hands – blood ofchildren. Yet, we are supposed to believe they have an inside track to the Holy Spirit. From the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church, throughout its history, and including today, Roman Catholicism has been a corrupt empire disguised as a Christian religion. I’ve heard many people credit it merely because “it has been around for 2,000 years”. It hasn’t been around that long and does it matter that it has only survived as long has it has because it has succeeded in fooling gullible people? Does it matter that it has grown as large as it has because many of its converts joined only under the threat of death? Does it matter than the majority of Catholics were entered into the Church before the age of reason? Catholics are quick to remind us of “all the good the Church does”. There isn’t a tyrant in history that couldn’t claim the same. Evil almost always presents itself in disguise – as something good. When deception is the foundation of an institution, no amount of superficial acts that come out of it can make it good. Deeds and institutions can only be good if they are based in truth. Like it or not, the spirit that is guiding the Roman Catholic Church isn’t holy, it is evil. And the only way to kill a serpent is by chopping off its head.
"Do not use, out of order"
Remarks: System broken
Signed: J.C.
Jesus Christ
The "odious" sacrament
The Failure of the Sacraments
There’s an elephant quietly sitting in the nave that everyone on all sides of the clergy sex abuse crisis have been diligently ignoring, even the victims themselves. No clergy or even would-be reformers have really remarked on it yet, although it should be more obvious with each and every sad story. More importantly, it is a troubling issue that touches on the very heart and soul of Catholicism.
The monstrous truth is simply this: what the clergy sex abuse crisis clearly demonstrates is that the sacramental system has failed.
This is not just a case of hierarchical reneging of responsibility.There’s more to this than some bad apples. This is nothing that a few reforms can fix, some screening of seminarians or more pastoral responses by bishops. It is nothing less than a fundamental challenge to the entire Catholic Church, and it shows that the spiritual principles the whole structure is supposedly based on simply do not work.
Think about it. The offenders here are Roman Catholic priests, highly trained men. But unlike other professionals, these men are supposedly set apart and dedicated to lives of the spirit. They claim to have the power to forgive sins and make God appear.
They not only administer the sacraments to others, but also receive them themselves daily. That means, among other things, frequent confession to other priests. Moreover, many of these men belong to religious orders or are otherwise under close spiritual direction. They are supposed to confide everything to their confessors and superiors and to obey them unquestioningly.
So what went wrong? When an abusive priest goes to confession, does he start, “Bless me, father, for I have sinned: I buggered an altar boy three times this week”? And does the confessor tell him to say 3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys and not to do it again?
According to their own theory, confessors have the power to forgive sins, but also to refuse to do so if sorrow is insufficient. Moreover, they are to appoint penances – if they wish, they can require satisfaction or significant signs of reform from the penitent before absolution. Some sins – such as solicitation for sex in the confessional – are even deemed so serious that only higher prelates, sometimes only the Pope or his appointed delegate can forgive them.
Yet the abusers continue to abuse. So are the sexually active priestslying to their confessors? This would mean that not only do the perpetrating priests remain in a state of mortal sin and are automatically excommunicated, they perform the sacraments in that state which is itself a grave sacrilege.
Or, even worse, are all the abusive priests linked? Do they only go to confession to like-minded perps who will understand? Is there then an organized network of sexually perpetrating priests, all busily enabling each other? This adds collusion and conspiracy to the sinand would indicate that the very structure itself is rotten to the core.
The evidence available suggests that perhaps both scenarios are true to varying degrees in different situations. Either way, however, the result is much the same.
The sacraments are meant to unite believers with Christ. Not just to remove the accumulations of sin like the weekly laundry, but togradually improve the recipient. They are intended to sanctify and uplift the faithful, increase devotion to God, charity to fellow humans, and moral stamina in the face of evil.
If the sacraments actually worked like this, wouldn’t we hear ennobling stories of clerical reform, of some molester inspired to truly repent and devote himself to the cause? But rather, the stories are depressingly the same, of priests caught time and again, transferred, treated, and now finally, laicized often against their will, with no regret or even acknowledgement of their evil.
What this means, each person must decide in their own conscience. But perhaps the fall off in confessions over the years itself tells the story. Why should anyone, lay or not, risk a ritual that seems so impotent in promoting reform and may, instead of granting grace, actually expose them to greater human wickedness?
The MASS is fake flesh of Christ
or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the
Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into
the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a
slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until
the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that
the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that
transubstantiation became what it is today. The Vatican has come to use it as
its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths
that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate
God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of
heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and
witcheshttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2006/11/john-paul-ii-revived-inquisition.html “For
the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul
II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the
Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another.
The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES
Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II
Millstone http://jp2m.blogspot.com/.
the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words
pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope
and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful
popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the
Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil
priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes
and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see
John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paulhttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2009/11/john-paul-ii-great-clashing-cymbal-of.html.
See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St.
Paul http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2009/11/benedict-xvi-to-beatify-john-paul-ii-is.html
matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can
never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific
laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by
the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests
Army See the John Paul II Millstonehttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/
call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have
freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of
criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of
our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium
would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. No other
American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid
of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman
Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the
Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John
Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated
as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorifiedhttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2009/12/john-paul-ii-pedophile-priests-army.html
Benedict XVI,
from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and
solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words
are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,
They came sick and they left sick.
There is NO "Apostolic" authority or
succession here,
for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal like Peter
or Paul did.
Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill
want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of
pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of
Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/11/sacrament-of-confession-protects.html
JP2 Army
The Cardinals and Bishops who enabled the Vatican sex
maniac rapists priests
CSC Holy Cross Congregation delay $18 million compensation payout. Brother Andre & Saint JOSEPH giant GOLDEN COW STATUES could not help victims of CSC pedophileshttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/csc-holy-cross-congregation-delay-18.html

instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local
charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. God will listen more to your prayers in your acts of
charity because they are better than material candles and money you give to the
wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother
Andre. If you were to face Christ
on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at
the Oratory of St. Joseph, but how many poor people you have helped, as He
has said, “Whatsoever
you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”

If you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to the Vatican, DON'T GO and instead DONATE that pilgrimage money to the Red Cross or your local charity - or sponsor a poor student and pay for his or her school supplies and school lunch for a year, or feed a homeless person for a year at McDonald's, instead of flying to Montreal to see the Oratory or the Vatican Mammon Beast - and God will listen more to your prayers in your act of mercy rather feeding the Vatican Mammon Beast or St. Joseph Oratory Mammon Beast copying the Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy.http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/oratory-of-st-joseph-copy-vatican.html
Children are
better sex educated reading the Los Angles files rather than wasting their time
to attend the wizardry of the Mass where priests ceaselessly reiterate those
old horrid stories of extinct people in the Bible, read here the Immoral
Bible http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010_12_01_archive.html.
It’s more important and more relevant for children to know the story of
Eleuterio Ramos and all JP2 Army Vatican sex maniac
rapists priests of the 20th century - than the ancient
Bible stories irrelevant mythical figures like Jonah being swallowed by a
whale, read here the Los Angeles Files http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/los-angeles-files-mahony-must-be-jailed.html
BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES togiant Zeus statues of
St. Joseph and
BrotherAndrecannot protect children from CSC pedophiles
Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide.BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror
READ our
latest articles:
Billion Dollar Christ & Apostles in Red now playing in Vatican. Evil impact of Papal Conclave: epidemic violence against women & perpetuity of poor countries
Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits.
Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils.“Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”
Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/pope-francis-top-10-vatican-deceits_30.html
Vatican’s wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USAhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html
Pope Francis & Cardinals: “Princes” of the Vatican Catholic Church in their Emperor’s Clothes regalia and diplomatic passports as they follow “Jesus walking ahead” http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/pope-francis-cardinals-princes-of.html
Jesus never baptized anyone in the Sea of Galilee or in the River Jordan http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/jesus-never-baptized-anyone-in-sea-of.html
Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA, Russia, China??? http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/05/is-vatican-state-or-country-it-is-only.html
The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age. Its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terrorhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html
Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justicehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/abolish-vatican-concordat-in-dominican.html
John Paul II was too busy performing the Sorcery and Magic of the Eucharist, read our related article Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary's 9 months pregnancy& child birthhttp://stella0maris.blogspot.com/2010/01/magisterium-benedict-versus-holy-mary.html
The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/narcissism-and-grandiosity-of-john-paul.html
Read our related articles
Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html
John Paul II 4 million,Ayatollah Khomeini 9 million people at funeral! Cardinal Pell, fanatics cannot beatify the Pope of Pedophiles and Pederastshttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/john-paul-ii-4-millionayatollah.html
Saint? John Paul II slept in peace at the Vatican knowing that Fr. Marcial Maciel plus thousands of pedophile priests were raping thousands of boys http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/02/saint-john-paul-ii-slept-in-peace-at.html
Cardinal Bernard Law is an Opus Dei member. Law met Opus Dei while a student at Harvard in the 1950s….... Archbishop William Levada's Hidden Record http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/cardinal-bernard-law-is-opus-dei-member.html
Why John Paul II is Opus Dei's Patron Saint: analysis of conference at Holy Cross Pontifical University in Romehttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-john-paul-ii-is-opus-deis-patron.html
Diamond bride Mother Angelica's EWTN acquires Fr. Marcial Maciel's National Catholic Register: same God and Mammon, same hypocrisyhttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2011/01/diamond-bride-mother-angelicas-ewtn.html
September 11 = 5,000 victims. Belgian Catholic Church = 5,000 victims. John Paul II the Great Pedophile Priests Army keeps marching on in Europe !! http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/06/september-11-5000-victims-belgian.html
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/05/spiritual-healing-eucharist-and-rosary.html
Totus Tuus Marie pathological lie of John Paul II
See this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent but John Paul II gave countless thousands of little boys to the Serpent of Sodomy to be sodomized and raped by his John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army for over 26 years during his glorious papacy as John Paul II the Great
The Danish cartoonist of the prophet Mohammed portrayed John Paul II as the Pope of Pedophilia with the inscription "I am not for homosexuality but for pedophilia".
In this Danish cartoonist image, John Paul II is the Sun as the Infallible most powerful Pope of the Catholics with seven rays of the 7 Sacraments, he is in his white papal uniform and his two papal hands pulls up the children"s robes because he enabled and allowed thousands of pedophiles rapists-priests to go on freely sodomizing and raping little boys (and girls) during his longest reigning papacy of 26 years, together with Cardinal Josef Ratzinger his right-hand man. See more on the Danish cartoonist describing about John Paul II on Danish radiohttp://jp2m.blogspot.com/2007/10/john-paul-ii-portrait-by-danish-artist.html.
Saint Michael the Archangel tied a giant millstone to John Paul II's neck at the last World Youth Day speech of JP2 -- Read John Paul II the Pope of Sodomy: Vision of St. Michael the Archangel tying a giant millstone to John Paul II at World Youth Day in 2002http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2006/08/john-paul-ii-pope-of-sodomy.html
John Paul II in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Rome
The original image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico revered by beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel who built the Legion of Christ Guadalupe Basilica in Rome where is now buried see http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html
The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Churchhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/05/full-text-of-criminal-charges-against.html
Read our related articles:
Irish cartoon shows duplicity of priests. Sacrament of Confession’s absolute choice to protect pedophiles. Priests’ callousness towards children’s security and wellbeing
Argo &“saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living” http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/07/argo-john-paul-ii-are-make-believe_11.html
John Allen the Devil’s Twin makes Catholics feel-good about Pope Crimes as expertly as Satan fooled Eve in the Garden of Eden http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/john-allen-devils-twin-makes-catholics.html
7 acts Australia must do for humanity’s good motivated by the Victorian Inquiry that slams the Vatican (Roman) Catholic Church!http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/australia-victorian-inquiry-slams.html
Mark of the Vatican Mammon Beast a.k.a. Opus Dei Beast: “Holiness, saints, supernatural” words of Pope Francis propagated by Vatican Pied Pipers http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/mark-of-vatican-mammon-beast-aka-opus.html
Opus Dei Plan to salvage Vatican Titanic in Boston, Massachusetts. Voice of the Faithful upbeat by Opus Dei PR tentacle John Allen http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/opus-dei-plan-to-salvage-vatican.html
Eve and Benedict XVI blame the Devil. Analysis of Pope’s homily in Year for Priests -sorcerers of Christ’s flesh and blood http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010/06/eve-and-benedict-xvi-blame-devil.html
Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justicehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/abolish-vatican-concordat-in-dominican.html
President Obama puppet of Pope Francis the worst thief on the planet, says script by Opus Dei PR Deceits squad, stoops to Vatican Mammon Beast http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/president-obama-as-puppet-of-pope.html
Jesuits transferred Marcos Gold & Billions of Dollars to the Vatican Treasury. The JESUIT ORDER - MASTER OF EVASION AND CONSPIRACIES http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/jesuits-transferred-marcos-gold.html
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Pope Francis the CON Christ, Pretender & Imposter of Jesus, Merlin priest hoax who cannot clone Jesus or dogs. FRANCIS’ TOP 3 POPE CRIMES http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/pope-francis-con-christ-pretender.html
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Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/pope-francis-top-10-vatican-deceits_30.html
Vatican’s wealth all over Rome and Italy and England and USAhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html
Pope Francis & Cardinals: “Princes” of the Vatican Catholic Church in their Emperor’s Clothes regalia and diplomatic passports as they follow “Jesus walking ahead” http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/pope-francis-cardinals-princes-of.html
Jesus never baptized anyone in the Sea of Galilee or in the River Jordan http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/jesus-never-baptized-anyone-in-sea-of.html
Is the Vatican a state or country? It is only one building and one public square but it is a country like the vast USA, Russia, China???http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/05/is-vatican-state-or-country-it-is-only.html
The Vatican Billions. Two thousand years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age. Its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terrorhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html
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Benedict XVI and the Vatican are the worst pathological liars on earth. Benedict XVI is the mythomaniac of the 21st century!!! http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010/11/benedict-xvi-and-vatican-are-worst.html
Vatican Bank Under Investigation for Money Launderinghttp://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010/09/vatican-bank-under-investigation-for.html
You go, Ireland! Make Benedict XVI pay 1 billion euro for his crimes as ‘ General Ratzinger of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland’ http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/2010/02/you-go-ireland-make-benedict-xvi-pay-1.html
Judge Elias, Please Release All Confidential Church Records of Names of Vicars, Bishops, Others Who Handled Reports of Child Sexual Abuse in Los Angeles Archdiocesehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/judge-elias-please-release-all.html
Vatican bank Bishop∕accountant caught money laundering €20M and it surpasses the Da Vinci Code intrigue. Vatican greedy Mammon never sleeps and never stopshttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/06/vatican-greedy-mammon-vatican-banks.html
Melinda Gates versus Benedict XVI: who’s more “like Christ”? Melinda Gates saves lives of 200 million women while Benedict XVI sits in out-of-touch-with-reality Vatican Thronehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/vatican-titanic-hit-by-melinda-gates.html
9/11= 3,000 victims. JP2 Army = 100,000s victims. May 1: Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on John Paul II Beatification Day. 3 World Criminals! http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/911-victims-5000-jp2-army-100000s-may.html
Vatican Vipers attack UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Failure of the Sacraments. Letter to a Christian Nation (USA) - read our related article http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/vatican-vipers-attack-un-committee-on.html
Silence of Pope Francis-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio on Argentina accused 42 pedophile priests. Online records in BishopAccountability.org. Where was YOUR “transparency and responsibility”? http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/silence-of-pope-francis-cardinal-jorge.html
UN condemns Vatican for crimes against children.. HOORAH. 10 Reasons to abolish the papacy and why there should never be another pope http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/un-condemns-vatican-for-crimes-against.html
JP2 Army in Puerto Rico! Plague of Pedophile Priests in Latin America! John Paul II the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts & Rapists-Priests http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/jp2-army-in-puerto-rico-plague-of.html
Who’s the liar: Pope Francis or UN? Vatican secret thousands/files covered-up by Bishops versus UN open/thorough investigators. Francis Pinocchio nose getting bigger http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/whos-liar-pope-francis-or-un-vatican.html
Vatican rebuffs UN! Catholic Church not the moral authority of the world. Holy See defies UN Convention it ratified in 1990. Vatican Titanic sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/the-catholic-church-is-not-worlds-moral.html
Women. Legion of Christ. Opus Dei. Pope Francis Hypocrisieshttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/women-legion-christ-opusdei-francis.html
UN condemns Vatican for crimes against humanity’s childrenhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2014/02/un-condemns-vatican-for-crimes-against.html
Vatican Bank closes thousand accounts/criminal transactions BURNT to leave no trail of crimes further/future investigations...drowned by loud Francis-maniacs at St. Peter’s Square http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/vatican-bank-closes-thousand.html
John Paul II portrait by Danish artist http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2007/10/john-paul-ii-portrait-by-danish-artist.html
Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made serial pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2010/05/theology-and-john-paul-ii-are-heartless.html
Fr. Marcial Maciel's Swiss Bank accounts: Angelo Sodano with Carlos Slim´s help has set his nephew up in business with a swiss registered company http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/fr-marcial-maciels-swiss-bank-accounts.html
USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”?http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/02/usa-ambassador-to-vatican-for-what.html
John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. Maciel is Vatican Titanic Deceits http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/11/john-paul-ii-holy-father-of-lies.html
Heil SatanasJP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html
Confession protects criminals and persecutes their victims http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/11/sacrament-of-confession-protects.html
Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’S neck then dragging him and throwing him into a raging sea of fire http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2006/08/john-paul-ii-pope-of-sodomy.html.
Benedict XVI – RATzinger, God’s Rottweiler http://pope-ratz.blogspot.ca/
Occupy The Vatican... like Occupy Wall Street http://popecrimes.blogspot.com/2011/10/ows-otv-occupy-wall-street-occupy.html
NCAA & Penn State more moral than Vatican. Sports is more moral than John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Vatican Titanic sinking in moral bankruptcy http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/07/ncaa-penn-state-more-moral-than-vatican.html
See the Vatican-owned 23 million Euros gay apartment with the largest gay sauna in Europe where a Vatican Cardinal lives right on the first floor to welcome those wealthy gay clients of Rome and Europe http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/pope-francis-top-10-vatican-deceits_30.html .
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI resigns as Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s deceitful to say “Roman Pontiff” of “Roman Catholic Church” is herehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/02/vatican-last-tsar-benedict-xvi-resigns_13.html
Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/pope-francis-top-10-vatican-deceits_30.html
Vatican’s wealth all over Rome and Italy and Englandhttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html
The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II, Cardinal Bernard Law, Benedict XVI, and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe are nauseating and despicable http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/04/narcissism-and-grandiosity-of-john-paul.html
BOYCOTT going to the Vatican and the Oratory of St. Joseph and use that "pilgrimage trip" donate your money to a poor student, feed one homeless in your city http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/01/boycott-oratory-of-saint-joseph-candles.html
9/11= 3,000 victims. JP2 Army = 100,000s victims. May 1: Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on John Paul II Beatification Day
The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics.
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Vatican and Rome are no longer synonymous.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Pope has no authority in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Pope is not Roman. Catholics are not Roman.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Pope has no power in Rome.
The Vatican is not part of Rome.
The Pope is not a citizen of Rome.
The allegiance of Catholics is to the Pope and the Vatican or the Magisterium…
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis has no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman.
The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read herehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html. .
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis has no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman.
The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read herehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html. .
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI and Pope Francis has no papal authority over Rome; therefore, Catholics are not Roman.
The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read herehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html. .
The Vatican must start paying taxes for its staggering business properties in Rome starting in 2013. To keep calling them as “Roman Catholics” is to keep feeding the voracious Vatican Mammon, read herehttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html. .
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powershttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/forbes-delusion-of-vatican-last-tsar.html.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powershttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/forbes-delusion-of-vatican-last-tsar.html.
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament.
The false (old) statement is, Catholics are “Roman Catholics” of the “Roman Catholic Church”.
The true (new) statement is, Catholics are “Vatican Catholics” of the “Vatican Catholic Church”.
But the Vatican cling-on to Rome and use its Roman Coliseum to latch-on to the fame of the gladiators and the Hail Caesars as the Pope copy-cat the powers of Caesars which Forbes described Benedict XVI as the 5th Most Powerful Person in the world, read here Forbes delusion of Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI powershttp://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2012/12/forbes-delusion-of-vatican-last-tsar.html.

People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY of St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal.
God will listen more to your prayers - through your acts of charity - because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre.
God said in the Bible: It isn’t material sacrifice that I want, but acts of mercy.
If you were to face Christ on Judgement Day today, He will not ask you how many candles you have lit at the Oratory of St. Joseph, buthow many poor people you have helped, as He has said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you have also done to Me.”
Christ also said, when you pray, go to your room, close the door and pray to your Father in secret, and he will hear your prayers
Pope John Paul II and all popes and cardinals and bishops mitres

Because of his biggest heist crime between the Vatican Bank and secret Vatican Swiss Banks - Pope Francis is the greatest pretender and impostor of Jesus and Pope Francis is NOT the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of the Devil.
Read Hidden Heist in the Holy See? The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth?! http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/hidden-heist-in-holy-see-biggest-heist.html
Read Hidden Heist in the Holy See? The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth?! http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/hidden-heist-in-holy-see-biggest-heist.html
The 1.2 billion Catholics are Francis-Maniacs and together with Pope Francis fit like a glove in what Jesus said: Your father is the devil. You are his children, and you want to do what your father wants. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has never stood for the truth, because there's no truth in him. Whenever that liar speaks, he speaks according to his own nature, because he's a liar and the father of liars. (John 8:44 CEB).
Pope Francis is the worst con-artist and CON-Christ more than John Paul II and Benedict XVI-RATzigner and all popes combined. He fits perfectly that last pope portrait in the gallery of 266 popes (as predicted by Nostrasdamus) and he warrants the prediction of The Third Secret Fatima on the destruction of the Vatican like the Temple of Solomon wherein not one pillar will be left standing. The Temple of Solomon was filled with jewels and was the wealthiest in the kingdoms of the world exactly like the Vatican is the wealthiest today especially with the hundreds of billions heist of Pope Francis, read more here Hidden Heist in the Holy See? The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth?! http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/hidden-heist-in-holy-see-biggest-heist.html
Pope Francis & Cardinals: “Princes” of the Vatican Catholic Church in their Emperor’s Clothes regalia and diplomatic passports as they follow “Jesus walking ahead” http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/2014/02/pope-francis-cardinals-princes-of.html
When Jesus said these words, he was saying it to the self-righteous Pharisees who were constantly praying in the Temple of Solomon or synagogues, and today, those would be the Opus Dei and the Catholics who are Francis-Maniacs especially at the Vatican and St. Peter’s Square.
A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need. John 10:10 GW Pope Francis is the greatest thief of mankind who does not provide for his Sheep except the fake Host in the Sorcery of the Eucharist where he is a Merlin HOAX magician who cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore cannot clone Christ either.
In the history of the Vatican Catholic Church, it is possible to be both a magician and a rapist at the same time –– to be a magician magically cloning Christ everyday in the Eucharist and be a bestial rapist holy father saintly missionary -- like Belgian missionary Father Eric or like the Italian Franciscan saint who raped countless virgin brides in a town in China in the 18th century - but was canonized by John Paul II nonetheless amidst Chinese protest, read more here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2007/09/john-paul-ii-canonised-rapist-in-china.html
FRANCIS UPDATES:John Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers toot Francis-mania…while Hans Kung points out “the Pope and his ‘double’” shadow pope Ratzinger!

Read our article on his beatification: Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect childrenhttp://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html

Read the VATICAN BILLIONS- http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html

Read our new blog: http://pope-francis-con-christ.blogspot.ca/
Biggest THIEF of mankind
Pretender & Impostor of Jesus.
LIAR. CANNOT CLONE Jesus or dogs
Christ as AIR we BREATHE-IN=Jesus=Son of God=AIR is EVERYWHERE+FREE FOR ALL peoples & countries. Jesus/AIR is at HOME with US in OUR FAMILY.
Christ said in the Bible:The Kingdom of GOD is WITHIN YOU. Jesus/AIR does not need EVIL POPES/priests as mediators.
CHRIST/AIR CANNOT be CLONEd, monopolized, locked-up in churches.STOP giving MONEY to CATHOLIC CHURCH= VATICAN MAMMON BEAST.
GIVE MONEY to POOR+SICK in our families, our schools, our hospitals.
The allegiance of Catholics is NOT to Rome; therefore,
it is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.
it is fallacious to call them “Roman Catholics”.
Read IDLE Saint Joseph versus First Nations native people of Canada http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/11/oratory-of-saintjoseph-pedophile.html
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